Walls and ceilings can then be completed using lime green finish plasters for a high quality surface prior to painting.Like Ultra and Duro, Stipple Coat is a lime-based product so it allows the walls to breathe and expel any trapped moisture.
Stipple Coat can be hand-applied or machine sprayed for faster coverage.Availability25kg bags, 40 per pallet CoverageOne 25kg bag will cover approx. 3m² at 5mm thick. This does not include any allowance for wastage.MixingMix with clean water approx 4-5 litres of water to each 25 kg Mix in either drum mixer for 10 min or with a mechanical whisk for 2-3mins stand for 2 minutes then mix once more before application.Surface PreparationRemove dust, surface contaminants and loose or friable material. Ensure Masonry is not waterproofed or painted.Application GuidelinesLime green Stipple is best thrown on or sprayed on, it can also be toweled on and then stippled with a stiff bristle brush. Apply approx. 3 to 5mm thick. Leave the surface rough and heavily texturedFurther CoatsLime green Ultra or Duro¸ as undercoats followed by a topcoat of either Lime Green Natural Finish CuringPrevent all coats from drying out too rapidly.Lightly spray each coat with water if it is hot or the product is drying too quickly.Protect from adverse conditions such as frost, rain etc.download data sheet
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