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To check if we have any lime product for clearance at a highly discounted rate please call 01469531227 or 07743362408 or see below for current product clearance list
Keep checking back regularly for the most recent bargains

Current product clearance list (Updated 12.08.2021)

- Pallet of 40 SECIL NHL 2 hydraulic lime binder £395.00 reduced to £340.00 per pallet

- Pallet of 40 SECIL REBOCO  base coat lime render £380.00 reduced to £320.00 per pallet 

- Pallet of 40 SECIL  ACABUMENTO top coat lime plaster for internal or external  normally £500.00 reduced to       £410.00 per pallet

- Pallet of 40 SECIL  CONSOLIDACIO  consolidating mortar £275.00 per pallet

All prices are ex vat