Adaptavate Breathaplasta
A new innovation in plaster finishes. Adaptavate, is a high performance environmentally friendly alternative to cement and gypsum plasters. Mixed with water and applied using conventional methods, this bio-composite product also helps to regulate moisture and improve insulation.
The key benefit of Breathaplasta is its ease of use and quick setting formulation, making it an ideal companion product to wood wool and wood fibre boards which can be lime plastered in just one day. In addition, Breathaplasta’s insulating properties further enhance high thermal performance of such boards for a healthier and better insulated finish.
For internal use:
Suitable for most substrates including conventional plasterboard, woodwool board, stone, brick and block walls
Delivers a healthier and more energy efficient environment.
High alkalinity level reduces mould problems
Vapour Permeable (breathable) so compatible with heritage buildings
Easy to use, same application and timings as conventional plasters.
Twice the thermal performance of regular plaster
CE Mark certification - See Technical Data Sheet for details
A sample trial should be carried out prior to application to ensure substrate is compatible.
Always wear the necessary personal protection equipment when mixing and applying Breathaplasta.
Only apply in temperatures above 4°C and below 28°C
Add 1 bag of Breathaplasta to approx. 11 litres of clean water and mix for 60 seconds.
Ensure all dry powder is thoroughly mixed in. The final mix should be creamy in texture with no lumps. Mix can then be applied immediately.
Apply an even base coat of Breathaplasta using standard plastering tools and techniques. Do not smooth plaster at this stage.
Mesh if using over boards, by flattening the mesh into the base coat.
Leave the base coat to set and firm for a minimum of 45 minutes.
For boards evenly apply a second finishing coat to a flat and smooth finish.
For other surfaces, additional coats can be applied at a maximum of 10mm upto a total thickness of up to 50mm. Leave 24 hours between each coat to let plaster set and allow moisture to escape. Evenly apply finishing coat to a flat and smooth finish.
Leave the finishing coat to set and firm, but not fully harden. This will be approx. 45 mins.
To finish Breathaplasta, glide a clean trowel over the surface of the top coat to flatten and smooth to desired finish.
Minimum Number of coats: 2
Minimum thickness: 4mm (2 x 2mm coats)
Maximum thickness: 50mm (in coats of 10mm)